My CBD Story Videos

Everyone using CBD has a story!

Here is a collection of videos from real people talking about how CBD helped them solve a real problem – in their own words! If you have a CBD Story, please let us know! Make one and send it to us, or visit us at the Oceanside store.

CBD Helps Dogs With Fireworks Anxiety

Amy V. has a dog that gets stressed out by fireworks.  Listen to her story about how CBD helped her dog:

CBD For Sleep!

Regie B. had trouble sleeping. More specifically, trouble staying asleep. Here is Regie’s story about how CBD helped him get a great night’s sleep:

CBD for Sports Injury Pain Relief

Alan M. injured an ankle playing squash. It didn’t seem like much of an injury at all until the next day, when it became very swollen. CBD cream helped:

CBD Bath Bombs!

Sally uses CBD bath bombs to relax, remove stress, and eliminate soreness, aches, and pains. Here is Sally’s story about CBD bath bombs and bath salts:

CBD For Anxiety

Carlli uses CBD to help alleviate anxiety.  Reducing Anxiety is one of the core properties of CBD and makes CBD an effective treatment for a number of issues.

Smoking CBD

Genesis uses CBD prerolls to quickly help alleviate stress and anxiety. Smoking CBD cigarettes, or prerolls is one of the fastest ways to get CBD working for you.

CBD for Chronic Pain

Listen to a story from Zarina, who found relief from chronic pain during the pandemic thanks to the healing properties of CBD.


Watch Mayuri discuss how she uses CBD to help her manage her menstrual cycle.